All Posts In Feathersjs

Create Restful API Within Minutes with FeathersJS
Adam C. |
Creating a Restful API has never been easier with FeathersJS. In this tutorial, we will use MongoDB as an example to see how quickly we can set up a state of the art API. We will also go thru how to use Postman to call/test the Restful API.
Save JWT To HttpOnly Cookie Instead of LocalStorage
Adam C. |
NextFeathers uses JSON web token (JWT) for authentication when calling the Restful API implemented by FeathersJS. The JWT token was simply saved in the browser's localStorage and removed when the user is logged out. Many people said this is very bad because the hacker could run Javascript via what so-called XSS on your website, and read the data from localStorage. Personally, I kinda against this because it's unlikely happened, and as I know that is how AWS-amplify works by default. But there is indeed a risk, so I would like to fix it.
Convert CSV File to Restful API Using FeathersJS
Adam C. |
In this article, we will learn how to easily convert CSV files into a Restful API using FeathersJS Command Line and MongoDB. We will also learn how to cast data type using FeatherJS hook.
JWT Token Auto Renew in FeathersJS
Adam C. |
In Feathers, JWT tokens are stateless with expiration date. After expiration, we need to relogin to get a new one. For a better UX, especially users are writing a very long post, the expired token could cause unsaved draft. By default Feathers' jwt strategy does not return a new jwt token, but this could be customized, then to be used for our purpose - JWT Token Auto Renew.
FeathersJS Deployment
Adam C. |
In this article, we will learn how to deploy FeathersJS to the Node server along with the Apache server using Reverse Proxy. The PM2 is also used to easily start/stop the application.
Create Upload API with FeathersJS
Adam C. |
"File" is a special type of data submitting to the server. It's encoded as multipart/form-data (i.e., binary data.) It does not like simple key/value pairs from text fields, which could be captured in params or data context of FeathersJS, we would need middleware to covert this to either params or data, and then be saved to the server.
Semantic UI Dropdown with Remote Data
Adam C. |
In this article, I show you how I implemented the tags function using remote data. The frontend is done by the Semantic UI Dropdown component and the backend is implemented using FeathersJS with Mongodb.
Fix Node.js Port In Use Error
Adam C. |
Sometimes the Node.js application does not close itself when you close the IDE, then when you try to start the application later, it will not start because the port is in use. It's easy to fix, but you need to remember the command to find the process and then kill it. Why not add the "kill-port" to the script in the package.json?
Lessons Learned: Avoiding Recursion in Feathers.js After Hooks
Adam C. |
While working on a recent Feathers.js project, I encountered a challenge related to modifying service results in an after hook. Specifically, I needed to append a calculated value (in my case, a rank) to each record. However, the way I initially approached the problem led to an unintended recursion issue, where the after hook triggered itself repeatedly.
Understanding Prefetching in Next.js
Adam C. |
Prefetching is one of the most powerful features of Next.js, designed to make navigation between pages incredibly fast. By preloading essential resources in the background, Next.js can provide a seamless user experience, reducing the time it takes to load new pages. But how exactly does prefetching work, and how does it handle dynamic data? Let’s dive into it.